Feb 2, 2022 | E-filing, How to File 1099 & W-2, QuickBooks, W-2 Forms
If you need to correct a W2 form because the original has errors, you will likely need to file a W2C form (W-2 Correction Form). This is different than a standard W2 form, and requires a few additional steps. But first, you need to answer one big question: Have you already filed W2 Copy A with the SSA?
Dec 13, 2018 | 1099 Forms, QuickBooks, W-2 Forms
Good luck getting your hands on a QuickBooks coupon code! If you need to file 1099 and W2 tax forms, your bank account isn’t going to like the prices charge by Intuit. Look to Discount Tax Forms for lower prices every day!
Oct 2, 2017 | 1099 Forms, E-filing, How to File 1099 & W-2, W-2 Forms
A list of official 1099 and W2 due dates for e-filing or mailing paper copies to recipients and the IRS or SSA.
Sep 12, 2017 | General, How to File 1099 & W-2, W-2 Forms
There are various ‘Copies’, or parts, of a W-2 form, each with a different name. Although they will have the same information about the employer and employee, earnings and withholdings, each copy is given to a different entity. This ensures correct reporting during the income tax filing process. W-2 Forms are filled out by the employer and provided to the employee or a government agency.
Sep 12, 2017 | 1099 Forms, 1099-MISC Forms, General, How to File 1099 & W-2
1099-MISC ‘Copies’, or parts, report income to recipients and government agencies and help ensure accuracy of income tax filing. 1099-MISC Forms are filled out by the payer and provided to the recipient and government agency.