Pressure Seal Blank W2 Forms – 4up V1 – 14″ EZ Fold Simplex

Blank 4up W2 Form Paper for Pressure Seal Equipment

14″ Pressure seal W2 forms with a blank front and employee instructions on backer. 4up V1 quadrant format with an EZ-Fold.

Order as few as 500 W2 pressure forms and get big discounts on larger quantities.

Do you need an easy e-file solution for W2 forms? We can help! We offer both an online filing system and service bureau processing for W2 e-filing with the SSA. We can even print and mail employee copies for you. Contact us for more information.

Quantity = number of employees
Minimum 500 / Multiples of 500

Qty 500 - 999$0.34 ea
Qty 1,000 - 4,999$0.29 ea
Qty 5,000 - 9,999$0.28 ea
Qty 10,000 - 50,000$0.25 ea
SKU: PS1289 Categories: , , Tag:

W2 Pressure Seal Forms -14″ Blank Forms, 4up V1 Quadrant EZ-Fold Format

Blank W2 pressure seal forms allow you to easily print and mail a large volume of employee W2 forms. They are blank on the front with employee instructions printed on the backer.

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These pressure seal W2 forms are perforated into quadrants for printing 4 employee W2 forms on the front. The back has instructions pre-printed for the employee.

14″ Blank 4up W2 Pressure Seal Form Specs:

  • 8.5″x 14″
  • E-Z fold
  • Simplex
  • Blank W2 pressure seal paper
  • Employee instructions for Copies B & C on backer
  • 4up Version 1 – quadrant perforated


W2 E-filing Requirements

If you have 10+ recipients for 1099 & W2 forms, combined per EIN, you must efile Copy A forms with the IRS.

We make it easy with… we’ll efile with the IRS or SSA and can even print and mail recipient copies for you in one easy step – no forms, envelopes or postage required!

We even offer Service Bureau W2 filing services for outsourcing the printing and mailing a high-volume of employee forms. Contact us for details.

More on Efile Changes + Easy Solutions