W-3 Forms – Continuous Carbonless 2-pt

W3 Transmittal Forms for Continuous Printers

Continuous, Carbonless 2023 W-3 Transmittal Forms for filing with W-2 Copy A.

A 2-part carbonless form makes it easy to have a copy for filing with the SSA and to keep a copy for your own records.

Use the W-3 form to summarize all of the W2 Copy A forms for an employer for the tax year.

If you have 10+ W2 and 1099 forms (combined) for 2024, you must e-file with the IRS. We make it simple with the top-rated Discount Efile 4 Biz W2 filing service! Easily e-file W2 forms online, and even print and mail employee copies — get it all done in one step! If you e-file, you DO NOT need W-3 forms.  Learn More >

Minimum quantity of 10 – $1.75 each

SKU: W3052 Categories: ,

2-Part Continuous Carbonless W3 Transmittal Forms

Easily print W-3 Transmittal Forms using these 2-part forms for continuous, dot-matrix printers.

Official W3 Summary Forms are filed with W-2 Copy A forms to the SSA. The W3 form summarizes all W2 Copies from a single employer.

YOU DO NOT NEED W-3 FORMS if you e-file W-2 forms with the SSA. 

Item# W3052 (formerly 79332)


E-file Requirements for W2 & 1099 Filing

You must e-file Copy A if you have 10+ W2 and 1099 forms combined.

This applies to ANY combination of 10 or more of ANY type of 1099 or W2 forms, except correction forms. This change was enacted in 2023 and will be more strictly enforced this year.

We make it easy for businesses to make the change to online e-filing!

Check out DiscountEfile.com … to see how we efile with the IRS or SSA and can even print and mail recipient copies for you. Get it all done in one step in our fully-secure, top-rated online system, Discount Efile 4 Biz. 


Ordering 1099 & W2 Forms

Official preprinted 1099 & W2 forms are sold by the form (not sheets). 

Order a quantity equal to the number of recipients you have. For example, if you have 25 recipients, order 25 forms.

  • If your W2 or 1099 forms are 2up (2 per page) you will receive 13 sheets
  • If your 1099 forms are 3up (3 per page) you will receive 7 sheets

Condensed preprinted W2 forms are sold by the recipient (not the number of forms on it). 

Order a quantity equal to the number of employees you have. For example, if you have 50 employees, order a quantity of 50.

Blank 1099 & W2 forms are sold by the sheet (not the number of forms on it).

Order a quantity equal to the number of recipients you have. For example, if you have 100 recipients, order 100 sheets.


Packaging Information

When you receive your order, please open it right away to review the contents and ensure you have exactly what you need. The information below will help you to understand how it’s packaged.

Each shrink-wrapped package may contain several different forms. If there are multiple forms in a package, they will be separated by a colored sheet of paper.

Be sure to open the entire package to determine if items are missing.


Packaging of Kits and Sets

1099 & W2 kits or sets can be packaged in one of two ways.

Example 1: Pre-packaged in specific quantities, which may mean there are multiple shrink-wrapped packs to fulfill your entire order.

Example 2: One shrink-wrapped package, which includes all the forms together.

Free Transmittals

Your order was likely shipped with free 1096 or W3 transmittal forms. They will likely be at the bottom of your packs of forms.


Getting Help with Your Order

If you discover a discrepancy, please contact us right away and we’ll make it right.

  • Email: hello@taxformgals.com
  • Call: 877-824-2458

Our small business appreciates yours!


Need to File Some Forms at the Last Minute?

There’s no need to order additional forms and wait for shipping – file them online at DiscountEfile.com! You enter or import data and we’ll e-file the Copy As, plus print and mail recipient copies. Learn More >>

1099 & W2 E-filing Requirements for 2024

The threshold for e-filing with the IRS is 10+ W2 and 1099 forms, combined, per EIN. This was changed in 2023.

That means, for example, if your business has 5 1099NEC forms and 5 W2 forms, you must e-file the red Copy A forms with the IRS and SSA by January 31, 2024.

This applies to ANY combination of 10 or more of ANY type of 1099 or W2 forms, except correction forms. Here is a great article with insights to the changes.

Penalties apply if you don’t – $60 per form if you file on time and up to $310 per form if you file late.

Get the Details

1099 & W2 Forms that must be e-filed according to the requirements above: 1042-S, 1094 series, 1095-B, 1095-C, 1097-BTC, 1098, 1098-C, 1098-E, 1098-Q, 1098-T, 1099 series, 3921, 3922, 5498 series, 8027, W-2, and W-2G.

Efile Online with DiscountEfile.com

If your business is required to e-file 1099 & W2 forms, we make it easy! Use our top-rated online filing system, DiscountEfile.com and we’ll e-file with the IRS for you, and can even print and mail recipient copies for you. Get it all done quickly, without purchasing any forms. 

Online 1099 & W2 Filing

W2C Correction Tax Forms and Envelopes for Correcting Employee W2 Forms, Online W2c Filing Options - DiscountTaxForms.comHow to Correct a W2 Form

Easy W2C Filing Methods and Instructions for correcting W2 forms. 

If you need to correct a W2 form because the original has errors, you will likely need to file a W2C form (W-2 Correction Form).

This is different than a standard W2 form, and requires a few additional steps. You’ll need to fill in all of the fields, once for the information originally filed, and once for the correct information (if applicable).

But first, you need to answer one big question: Have you already filed W2 Copy A with the SSA?

Get W2C Answers



The IRS has changed the filing requirements for W2C Copy A forms for the 2023 tax year. You must now file the W2C Copy A using the same method that you used to file the original W2 Copy A. 

If you e-filed W2 Copy A with the SSA, you must also e-file the W2C Copy A.

If you printed and mailed the original W2 Copy A with the SSA, you must also print and mail W2C Copy A. 

E-File W2C Forms

Order W2C Forms

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    W3 Transmittal Forms