1099 & W-2 Guides for Small Business
Order the right 1099 & W2 forms and envelopes, see e-file and software options, and easily get everything done on time!
Easy-to-use 1099 & W2 Guides help small business alleviate the confusion, reduce errors, file faster and understand the process better.
Our small business is ready to help yours — call The Tax Form Gals at Discount Tax Forms!
E-filing requirements — e-file Copy A for 10+ W2 and 1099 forms combined. We make 1099 & W2 e-filing easy!

ONLINE 1099 & W2 E-FILING = EASY 2024!
Efile, print and mail 1099 & W2 forms online.
No paper, no software, no mailing, no hassles!
Use DiscountEfile.com to enter or import data, then we'll e-file with the IRS or SSA and can even print and mail recipient copies.
Create a free account and get started today!
Small Business Guide to Filing 1099 & W-2 Forms.
Whether you need to file W2s for employees, or 1099-NEC for contractors, we can help!
Use this guide to understand how to file, when to file and the best forms, software and solutions for you.
Industry-Specific Guides to Filing 1099 and W2 Forms
Filing Requirements Overview
Deadlines for 2024 1099 & W-2 Filing
January 31, 2025
All 1099 Recipient Copies B / C / 2 mailed to recipient
W-2 Employee Copies B / C / 2 mailed to employees
1099NEC Copy A forms to IRS*
W2 Copy A to IRS*
>> *E-FILE REQUIREMENTS << Businesses with 10+ 1099 and W2 forms combined MUST e-file Copy A forms with the IRS or SSA. Make it easy with DiscountEfile.com...
February 28, 2025 - Paper 1099 Copy A forms to IRS
1099 Form Copy A, along with 1096 Transmittals, mailed to the IRS for all 1099 forms except 1099-NEC with non-employee compensation, which are due January 31.
April 1, 2025 - E-file 1099 forms with IRS
1099 Forms E-filed to the IRS, except 1099-NEC with non-employee compensation, which are due January 31.
Let Us Do the Work for You This Year!
Instantly e-file, print and mail 1099 and W-2 forms.
DiscountEfile.com makes year end reporting easier than ever!
Simply enter your data, or import it from QuickBooks®, then click a few buttons and you're done.
We e-file with the IRS or SSA, and can optionally print and mail recipient copies, starting at about $4 per form and going down from there.
Decoding W-2 Formats
2up W2 Forms
2 forms on a sheet, with one center perforation to create 2 forms.
Use for traditional or condensed 2up W2 forms for employees, 4-pt Copies B and/or C for federal filing and the employee record copy.

3up W2 Forms
3 forms on a sheet, typically with a vertical side strip to remove before mailing.
Use for condensed 3up W2 forms for employees, 6-part Copies B/C/2 for federal and state filing.

4up W2 Forms
4 forms on a single sheet, perforated into quadrants or horizontal sections depending on your software.
Use for 8pt W2 printing of employee Copies B/C/2/2 for federal, state and local filing.

Tips for Easier W2 Filing
Check your software for supported formats:
- Preprinted forms (prints data on a pre-made form) or
- Blank paper (prints data and boxes on a perforated sheet)
- 2up, 3up or 4up forms
- Be sure your envelope windows match!
W3 Transmittal forms must be mailed with Red Copy A forms. We include a couple FREE W3 forms with each W2 order.
Online filing is an option! DiscountEfile.com lets you enter or import data, and then takes care of the rest. Your forms are e-filed with the IRS/SSA and mailed to employees automatically. With a few clicks, you're done! Learn more.
Expert insights to
easy 1099 & W2 filing.
3 Easy Ways to File 1099 & W2 Forms
If your business needs to file W2 forms for employees, or 1099s for contractors or other purposes, we offer 3 simple ways to get them done efficiently before the January 31 deadline: Online Filing, Software, and Forms
Business Penalties & Fines for Incorrect 1099 & W2 Filing
If your business fails to file 1099 & W2 forms on time, or provides incorrect information, you could incur large fines. Learn about the penalties how how to avoid them!
Navigating the IRS E-Filing Requirement Change for Small Businesses: A Guide to Using DiscountEfile.com
If your business needs to file 10 or more 1099 & W2 forms combined, per EIN, you must e-file Copy A forms with the IRS and SSA. We make it easy! And can even print and mail recipient copies for you.
Decoding 1099NEC Copy Requirements
1099-NEC ‘Copies’, or parts, report non-employee compensation to recipients and government agencies and help ensure accuracy of income tax filing. 1099-NEC Forms are filled out by the payer and provided to the recipient and government agency.
Official vs. Condensed W2 Forms: Understanding the Formats
Understand the Different W2 Formats Easily! Compare Traditional 2up W2 Forms to 4up & 3up W2 Forms for Efficient Printing & Mailing of Employee Copies.