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easy 1099 & W2 filing.
Trucking Company Guide to Filing 1099 and W-2 Forms
Instructions and information for trucking companies that need to file 1099 and W-2 Forms for contractors or employees.
Get the basic run-down on how to choose the right forms for your software or how to file everything online in this blog post, or read the full guide to 1099 & W2 filing for trucking companies here.

Options for Filing 1099 and W-2 Forms for Trucking Companies
Your Accounting Software: Many types of accounting software will print 1099 and W-2 forms. Some will e-file payer copies. To print payer and recipient copies, purchase forms compatible with the software as there are many layouts available. Print copies, stuff envelopes and mail. Purchase forms for your Software >
Specialized 1099 & W-2 Software: Prints all 1099 and W-2 forms. Will e-file payer copies. To print payer and recipient copies, purchase forms compatible with the software as there are many layouts available. Print copies, stuff envelopes and mail. Purchase Specialized 1099 & W-2 Software >
Online Filing: The newest, and easiest way to file one or hundreds of 1099 & W-2 forms! Online filing takes care of printing and mailing to recipients, as well as e-filing with Federal and State Governments. You simply type in the data or import it from your accounting software. The online filing system will do the rest! Learn more about Online Filing of 1099 and W2 >
Choosing the Right 1099 Forms
1] Which 1099 Form to Use
1099-NEC is most common for trucking companies, it is used for owner operators, contractors and consultants who you have paid $600+ during the tax year. Other 1099 Forms are available. Shop for 1099 Forms>
2] Number of Parts Needed
The number of parts you need for a 1099-NEC is based on where you need to file government copies: Federal only, State or City:
Copy A: Federal Copy for the IRS
Copy B: Recipient Copy
Copy C/2: Payer Copy for State, Local or File
3] Type of Forms
Your software will print on either:
Pre-printed 1099 forms – software will print only the recipient and payer data
Blank perforated 1099 paper – software will print the entire form at once, including boxes and labels with the recipient and payer data.
Don’t forget 1099 Envelopes or 1096 Forms if you’re printing and mailing your own forms!
If you use QuickBooks, read our blog post: How to Print 1099 Forms from QuickBooks >
Choosing the Right W-2 Forms
Key Factors to Selecting the Right W-2 Forms
1] Government Requirements
The number of W-2 Form parts needed corresponds to the government agencies you are reporting to:
- Federal Only – 4 parts (Copies A, D-1, B, C)
- State and Federal – 6 parts (Copies A, D-1, B, C, 2)
- City, State and Federal – 8 parts (Copies A, D-1, B, C, 2, 2)
Read more in our blog: Decoding W-2 Copy Requirements >
2] Software Functionality
Some software will e-file W-2s to the government. But you will still need to print employee copies regardless. Your software will either print the form data only on Preprinted W-2 Forms or will use Blank W-2 Paper to print the entire form at once, including the boxes, labels and data.
The layout of the forms will vary depending on your software. They could be in a 2up, 3up or 4up layout if your software supports it. This is where all the forms for a single employee will be printed on one page so you can simply fold and mail one piece of paper. All Government copies must be printed in the Official 2up layout.
Read more about types of W-2 Forms >
If you’re over the hassle of printing and mailing W-2 Forms, try! We e-file, print and mail for you for about $4 per form or less.
QuickBooks Users Click Here to Learn How to File W-2 Forms with QuickBooks >
1099 & W-2 Filing Deadlines
January 31 – Recipient copies for all W2 and 1099 forms; W2, 1099-NEC & 1099-MISC Copy A mailed or e-filed to IRS
February 28 – Paper Copy A and Transmittals mailed to the IRS (all 1099s except 1099NEC and MISC)
March 3 – E-file Copy A to IRS or SSA (all 1099s except 1099NEC and MISC)
Most states have the same deadlines as the Federal government.
Read the full Guide to Filing 1099 and W-2 Forms for Trucking Companies >
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